Trond Sørås Photographer

It seems I have won a prize



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I won the third prize in the Norwegian Picture of the Year award, in the category Sport Action.

Yeah well. Here’s the pic that won.




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By:larm is a music festival held in Oslo each year, primarily for unsigned bands. The bands play short sets of 30 minutes each, and there are concerts on at least 15 venues all over town. I covered the event for a newspaper, assigned to do concert shots. Basically this meant running from concert to concert, shooting three songs on each, and then going on.

Didn’t have much time to do anything other than the concerts, but ah well. Here are some shots.

TS 20090221 bylarm 1298
El Caco
TS 20090221 bylarm 1473
El Caco
TS 20090219 bylarm 0073
TS 20090219 bylarm 0379
John Olav Nilsen & Gjengen
TS 20090221 bylarm 1132
TS 20090221 bylarm 0982

Belated posting: another demonstration in Oslo

Politics, Random

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From last Saturday. It went along peaceful this time.

It didn’t get any press. Maybe nobody even noticed.

TS 170109 demo 0102
“No peace without freedom. No freedom without fight. Free Palestine”
TS 170109 demo 0096
“It’s enough”
TS 170109 demo 0087
Poster with dead child
TS 170109 demo 0068
Making sound on the streets
TS 170109 demo 0110
Well spoken
TS 170109 demo 0025
Lighting candles in support
TS 170109 demo 0083
The message
TS 170109 demo 0002
Demonstration ends, the group dissolves

Clashes over Gaza in Oslo

Hipshots, Politics

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TS 080109 demo 0346
TS 080109 demo 0403
TS 080109 demo 0428
TS 080109 demo 0544
TS 080109 demo 0240
TS 080109 demo 0502
TS 080109 demo 0292
TS 080109 demo 0621
TS 080109 demo 0195
TS 080109 demo 0220
TS 080109 demo 0556
TS 080109 demo 0175

Peaceful protest turn ugly in Oslo.

Gangs of kids with no political agenda, only desire to fight.

Make everything difficult for everyone else.

Long time no see


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Sorry about no updates lately. Still in Oslo, not much going on. Bangladesh in december will most probably be cancelled. Going to try and get to Asia sometime in early spring, around february.

Have some projects going on, seems to be focused on people living on the outside of the norm, people that are living their lives seemingly unaffected by normality and other peoples expectations. I got the idea while watching Sicko by Micheal Moore, and he is saying that (amongst other things) having debt makes people afraid to break out from the norm, because it locks you to a certain job, which again locks you to a certain lifestyle, a certain layer of society. Still only making contacts, but I’m getting there.

Pictures below are from the first photosession with an ensemble I’ve started working with. They were playing a gig at a christmas celebration at the university. The light sucked, so I hope I can shoot them some other time, and preferably somewhere either very small and intimate, or at a stage with real lighting.

TS 20081130 vgjobb 0011
TS 20081130 vgjobb 0031
TS 20081130 vgjobb 0044
TS 20081130 vgjobb 0007

Killing time in Oslo

Nature, Random

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TS 20081030 adressa 0083
TS 20081030 adressa 0047

Evil November

Hipshots, Random

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TS 20081110 november 0023
Woman waiting.
TS 20081110 november 0007
Mick Jagger and a rockstar.
TS 20081110 november 0002
TS 20081110 november 0001
Let’s go hiking.



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TS 20081030 adressa 0513

Random shooting in Helsinki

Hipshots, Random

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Got lots of non-photographic work nowadays, some programming and with the Norwegian Pressphotographers Association. So there’s been little stuff to put on here. But here you go.

TS 20081104 oslo 0203
This is actually in Norway.
TS 20081104 oslo 0143
A short brake.
TS 20081104 oslo 0201
Bald man on bus.
TS 20081104 oslo 0178
Visual torture.
TS 20081104 oslo 0181
Busy finnish people.
TS 20081104 oslo 0135
Not so busy finnish people.

Connected lives

Culture, Random

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TS 20081026 USA 0126
TS 20081026 USA 0107
TS 20081026 USA 0098
TS 20081026 USA 0099
TS 20081026 USA 0111
TS 20081026 USA 0110